Friday, June 29, 2012

One day sit with Colin Gipson, July 14th, North End Wellness

Please join us on Saturday, July 14th at North End Wellness for a day of deep and nourishing meditation with Colin Gipson. Colin is an ordained priest from Austin Zen Center.

The day is tentatively scheduled from 9-4, with a break for lunch and an informal tea and discussion for the last period of sitting.  Colin will give a dharma talk and is available for brief individual practice discussions.

I'll send out a more detailed schedule soon.  You are welcome to come to any part of the day.  There is no charge to sit with us and we encourage you to donate whatever amount you are able, to help with the cost of travel and also to support dharma in Boise.

Please let me know if you have questions.  We hope to see you there.