Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Zen Practice Weekend with SF Zen Center Abbot Myogen Steve Stucky, August 16-18

Please join us for a weekend of Zen practice with San Francisco Zen Center Central Abbot Myogen Steve Stucky, August 16-18.  

Friday, 8/16, 7-9pm at Komyozan Dojo, 1922 21st Street in Boise's North End. Please park at Elm Grove Park.
There will be periods of zazen/sitting meditation and kinhin/walking meditation in addition to an introductory talk and informal discussion.  

This will be an informal time to get to know one another and Steve. People new to Zen or Buddhism are welcome and encouraged to attend!

Saturday, 8/17, 9-4 at the Dojo
The day will offer alternating periods of zazen and kinhin.  Steve will give a dharma talk and there will be opportunities for dokusan, private practice discussions with him.
There will be some cushions and chairs available and if you have your own sitting set-up please bring it to make sure you are comfortable. If you have cushions to donate for use that weekend, please bring them or let me know and I can pick them up. 

Sunday 9 to 1130ish, at the Idaho Botanical Garden
Our good friend, John McDade, is making it possible for us to practice in this wonderful place.  We are getting a very generous discounted price of $3 a person.  If you can donate more we will offer that to the Garden and if you are not able to pay that amount, please come and offer what you can. We will make up the difference if there is one.  

There will be some chairs available, but I recommend that you bring your own chair, blanket, cushions for the morning practice. We will probably make use of the space for extended walking meditation, but we will still be sitting. There is picnic area if we choose to stay and eat together. And, John encourages us to explore and enjoy the Garden after our program has ended. It's a lovely and magical place and we are very lucky

We want to foster opportunities for informal time together and have several thoughts; please let me know if you would like to attend one or more of these:
  • Lunch on Saturday at Elm Grove Park--either potluck or bring your own and we will eat together
  • Saturday dinner after sitting at a local restaurant
  • Brunch at the Botanical Garden--either potluck or bring your own and we will eat together

There is no charge to sit with us at the dojo and we will be collecting dana/donations to offer Steve for his teaching and also to compensate Kimbal Sensei for the use of the dojo.

If you are able to help out during the weekend with set up at the dojo, bell ringing and other logistical needs, please email me. Additionally, if you can dream up a flyer to advertise the event, please do and send me a copy to send out to others. It would be wonderful to spread the word about this event.  Please tell anyone you think would be interested in this event and let your sanghas know they are welcome to participate in any part of the weekend events. 

This is a wonderful opportunity made possible by numerous donations from people from various sanghas and traditions.  

Please email me if you have questions.
